2024 ASK Walk

Cam's Crew

May 18, 2024 8:00am - 12:00pm

Our Team Fundraising Page


18th Annual ASK 5K & Fun Walk

Team Page: Cam's Crew

18th Annual ASK 5K & Fun Walk

Cam's Crew

May 6, 2023 10:00am - 12:00pm

Our Team Fundraising Page

January 1,2020 at 7 years old, Cameron was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell tumors (DSRCT). Through his journey with battling cancer, the ASK foundation helped him navigate through this as well as helping his mother who had to put her entire life on pause.  After fighting a long 2 years through chemo, radiation, surgery and then after all that being diagnosed with leukemia as well. He lost his battle on September 17, 2022. In honor of Cameron, we want to help give back to the ASK foundation who helped him and his family the entire time.
#We never walk alone,We walk with an angel 





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Our Team

Our Supporters

  • Ashley Daughtry May 2024 $52.00
  • Anonymous May 2024 $364.00
  • Helen Williams May 2024 $78.00
  • Anonymous May 2024
  • Ronald Long May 2024 $104.00
  • Matching Day Gift 05.10.24: The Balassi Foundation Matching Gift 05/10/24--Thank you to The Balassi Foundation! May 2024 $807.04
  • Cam Supporters May 2024 $807.04
  • Matching Day Gift 05.10.24: The Balassi Foundation Matching Gift 05/10/24--Thank you to The Balassi Foundation! May 2024 $605.28
  • Cameron D May 2024 $605.28
  • Ft. Lee McDonald's Customers May 2024 $387.92