Help me support children in our community!
Together we can invest in the future of children and families in our community.
Since 1902, CHS has served thousands of children and families by providing solutions that change life trajectories. These solutions address or prevent challenges that lead to child abuse and neglect, mental health issues, extended stays in foster care and homelessness. Our team works to build bridges to success for the children, teens and families we serve.
Every dollar counts and helps give local children and families access to critical life changing programs, including: mentoring, teen outreach, clinical counseling, early childhood education, and child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention services.
Join me and let's help more children realize their full potential.
Our Team
Vincent D'Aria Team Captain $40,645.75
Henry Senatore $1,207.50
- JH Jett Heukensfeld $300.00
- AB Adam Bass $100.00
- HC Haelle Chomo $50.00
- AT Angela Tilley $35.00
- JZ Jess Zelaya $35.00
- GZ Gabe Zelaya $35.00
- LZ Lennon Zelaya $35.00
- GH Gregory Hoffman $35.00
- EJ Elizabeth Jabs $35.00
- KT Kenneth Torres $35.00
- GJ Grant Jefferson $35.00
- DP Dede Pickle
- JM Joseph Mauro
- JW Jason Wootten
- SP Steve Pickle
- PP Piper Pickle
- JP Jack Pickle
- SR Sanzid Rashid
- BS Becca Scott
- NV Nick Vargo
- AP Abbie Pickering
- DJ Devon Jordan
- SS Steven Scott
- LV Lauren Vargo
- BP Brittany Pickering
- LS Landon Scott
- JM Jonathan Magnuson
- DH Don Hickox
- KS Kay Schultz
- LH Lyn Hickox
- WB William Britt
- LB Leigh Barnhill
- KM Kendra Maxwell
- PB Phil Britt
- DR Daniel Rivera $0.00
- JB Jillian Britt
- TB Tracy Britt $0.00
- BC Bowen Colon
- LB Lea Britt $0.00
- JW Jonathan Watts
- CS Courtney Sutton
- SA Stephen Akins
- NS Nick Sutton
- DH David Halvorsen
- JB Jackie Beaucaire
- LS Lincoln Sutton
- CF cassander fadael $0.00
- LB Laura Betty Britt
- MD Mike Dale
- JN Jay Nasrallah
- BN Branden Nosker $0.00
- KD Kim Dale
- IY Ian Yanulis
- NZ Nicholas Zantos
- MJ Mekay James
- DJ Dyer James
- CD Christopher Dale
- RD Rachel Dale
- OJ Olive James
- JP Joseph Paru
- SD Steve Dale
- BD Brenda Dale
- CS Crystal Swaeger
- CA Cory Ayres
- JS Joe Swaeger
- MM Meredith Morris
- KD Kevin Dale
- AP Andrew Paschal
- KM Kimberley Meyer
- BM Brittany Meehan $0.00
- AW Adam Weiner $0.00
- DR Dan Ryaboy
- EJ Erin Jiang
- DD Donnell Dancy $0.00
- MM Madalyn Maloney
- AM Anas Massaadi
- RC Raymundo Chen Luo
- MP Mark Prendergast $0.00
- JZ Justin Zucchini $0.00
- LZ luisa Zucchini $0.00
- BZ Bella Zucchini $0.00
- AT Alison Tomasso-Levasseur
- ML Matthew Levasseur
- LL Laila Levasseur
- LL Luca Levasseur
- JD John DAria
- KS Katherine Spensley
- MP Michelle Paradiso
- FT Frank Theodat
- CT Cooper Theodat
- BC Brennan Cobb $0.00
- KS Katie Sheridan
- JM Jonathan Magnuson $0.00
- NH Nichole Howell
- AF Anastasia Foerschner $0.00
- JK Jenn Korona $0.00
- LF Lyshah Funai
- EG Erin Gomez
- LG Louis Gomez
- LG Louie Gomez
- CE Carolyn Evans
- DG Dominic Gomez
- SC Steve Carlson
- RG Rocco Gomez
- DH David Holl $0.00
- JB Julie Barnett
- MB Michael Barnett
- IK Ian Kingston
- MN Matthew Nicoll $0.00
- SH Stephen Hunter
- AM Adam Murray
- JG Jessica Gonzalez
- LS Landon Shapiro
- LV Lisselott Valdez
- MM Michelle Munoz
- VA Vanessa Arana
- CL Craig Levine
- JM Jason Munoz
- KT Karoline Taylor
- JK Josh Kandalaft $0.00
- EO Emily O'Malley
- AM Ann Mazzoli
- LM Lucia Mazzoli
- NH Nichole Howell
- CH Connor Holland
- AS Andrew Sheflin
- JG Joseph Gephart
- KG Kelsey Gephart
- SH Steve Herrick
Zackary Hazard $0.00
- AV Andre Vidal $0.00
- DD Donnell Dancy $0.00
- GV Gianna Vidal $0.00
- EJ Eva Justo
- SH Steve Hammerton
- AC Alexandra Conroy $0.00
- GD Garrett Davis $0.00
- DW Derek Walker Jr
- KB Kyle Burns
- JL Jake LaRovera
- KC Kevin Campbell $0.00
- JB Julia Basiliere $0.00
- AS Alexis Sarner $0.00
- CJ Calvin Jiang
- ED Esteban Dobles
- KE KURT Eggers $0.00
- MB Michaela Boscoe
- BD Becky Dobles
- SE Sarah Eggers $0.00
- GB Geno Blyum
- HS Hannah Smith
- LQ Lauren Quinn
- CM Chad Moye
- KS Kelsey Stoker
- MD Matthew DeFiglio
- ER Ethan Raad
- DD Derek DeFiglio
- EM Eric Mulford
- GD Giselle DeFiglio
- AD Amy DeFiglio
- GT Georgiana Thompson
- SW Shelby Wrobleski
- WT William Thompson
- AR adriana rivera
- TP Tammie Phillips $0.00
- JM Jessica McNally
- MR Michael Ragusa
- MR Michael Ragusa $0.00
- WO William O'Dell
- AS Adam Shapiro
- SS Scott Shapiro
- FS Francine Shapiro
- EV Eddy Vanegas
- DB Dee Blake
- CM Cristina McCarthy $0.00
- JB Jessica Bastien
- HH Hank Henderson
- AC Amy Cordes $0.00
- EL Eleonora Lambertini
- MC McKenzie Cherry
- AL Aaron Lambertini
- LC Leo Cherry
- SB Stephen Bastien
- CC Christopher Cherry
- CB Charlie Bastien
- JW Jonathan Williams
- OC Oakley Cherry
- PB Pheobe Britt
- SC Sean Cass $0.00
- CL Christopher Lawrence
- RW Ron Wendt
- TB Tyler Brookman
- JD Jamie Daria $0.00
- LP Laurie Pierce
- AP Allie Ponsock
- CP Chase Ponsock
- MP Molly Ponsock
- LP Laken Ponsock
of your goal reached
Recent Activity
Granite Telecommunications donated $43,211.70 to Granite Telecommunications
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Gregory Hoffman joined Granite Telecommunications
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Granite Telecommunications has reached their fundraising goal of $50,000.00!
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Angela Tilley joined Granite Telecommunications
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Leigh Barnhill joined Granite Telecommunications
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Our Supporters
- Jeffrey Michels April 2023 $105.00
- Charles Flook Jett is the man April 2023 $100.00
- Michael Guido good luck today sorry i just got to your email April 2023 $26.25
- Anna Senatore April 2023 $26.25
- Granite Telecommunications April 2023 $43,211.70
- Granite Telecommunications April 2023 $43,211.70
- Vincent D'Aria Raffles April 2023 $6,270.00
- Coastal Investment Company April 2023 $2,625.00
- Vincent D'Aria February 2023 $1,600.00
- Vincent D'Aria January 2023 $1,200.00