Mariette’s Women Swimmin’ page

Support Hospicare by sponsoring me for my 18th Women Swimmin’ event!

It’s Women Swimmin’ time again!

Please join me in supporting Hospicare by sponsoring me for this year's swim across Cayuga Lake.  My swim is dedicated to my nephew Niel Geldenhuys, who died at the age of 29 years in 2015.  He was an avid swimmer and expert lifeguard.  He and his brother Carl encouraged me to take up long-distance open-water swimming and both continue to inspire me each time I train in the pool or lake (once it warms up!). Niel dedicated his short life to caring for others as a paramedic and medical student.  He loved volunteering as a lifeguard at open water swimming events.  We are so fortunate that many kayakers (including my dear friend and office manager Allison Myers) volunteer year after year to keep the swimmers safe as we swim across Cayuga Lake.  Hospicare depends heavily on this event to provide compassionate end-of-life care to all community members, regardless of their ability to pay.  Please join me in supporting them and thank you for your generous support!

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My Supporters

  • Sauirse McClory 3 weeks ago $10.00
  • Lois Levitan 4 weeks ago $15.00
  • Shirley Ladd 4 weeks ago $52.25
  • Patty Lynott 5 weeks ago $52.25
  • Deb Roe 5 weeks ago $50.00
  • Mark Wheeler Last month $500.00
  • JoAnne Miner Thank you, Mariette, for your dedication to Hospice! June 2024 $209.00
  • Judy-Nancy Barringer-Zahler That you continue to transform your losses into this commitment of love is inspiring. Thank you Mariette. June 2024 $104.50
  • Lynn Trudell Last month $100.00
  • Kelly A Damm Last month $100.00