2022 Flutie 5k for Autism ○ 3LPlace ○ 5k at Lookout Farm
Arelis Munoz
October 16, 2022 8:30am - 10:00am
About me
I'm excited to be walking, skipping, probably even dancing, definitely not running my first 5K. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. What betting cause then for Autism? As you know, my boy Marlon has autism, and he has benefited from the resources since he was diagnosed at the age of 3. I am so grateful there are so many resources available. My boy is growing rapidly, he is 14, a freshman in high school, and before I know it, he will be an adult. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of recourses for adults, and that needs to change. This is my small contribution! Please help me reach my goal; any amount helps!!!
Tell your Donors about your Fundraising!
Thank you for signing up and fundraising for the 2022 Flutie 5k! This is your fundraising page where you can set a goal, upload images, and share on social media with donors.
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- Edit your story. In this text box, you can delete all of this wording and tell donors about why you are participating in the 2022 Flutie 5k. I suggest dragging an image from your files directly into the content box. Sometimes the “insert image” button can be hard to use.
- Add photos to the image galleries below and to the side of anything that may apply!
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- Share, share, share!
If you have any questions at all about setting up your page or your fundraising efforts, please contact Tia Dawson - Development Coordinator at tdawson@flutiefoundation.org.
My 5k Details
When I am running: October 16, 2022 at 8:30am
Where I am running: Belkin Family Lookout Farm, Natick,
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Teresa Reddy Cheering you on Arelis !! Marlon is so loved ❤️ October 2022 $31.50
- Melly Abruzese October 2022 $50.00
- Anonymous October 2022
- Melly Abruzese October 2022 $50.00
- Teresa Reddy Cheering you on Arelis !! Marlon is so loved ❤️ October 2022 $31.50
My Teammates
DJ Flaschen $1,899.00
David Flaschen $1,100.00
Renata Barrozo $980.00
Deborah Flaschen $503.75
- TB Thanese Beaumont $410.00
Jason Harmon $335.00
- LE Lauren Eramo $299.25
- AH Andrew Haan $282.50
Cassy & Nolan Wilson $239.75
- MH Maggie Harrington $155.00
- JL Jennifer Liff $150.00
Meghan Montgomery $105.00
Arelis Munoz $101.50
- BG Bri Gately $35.00
- DA Dolores Acevedo-Garcia $35.00
- MV Mariana Vetoulis-Acevedo $35.00
- GV Georgios Vetoulis $35.00
- ZC Zachary Cloutier $35.00
- CC Camila Chiriboga $35.00
- MT Matheus Turra $35.00
- VD Vanai Dapaah $35.00
- DF Deborah Flaschen $35.00
- VB Vito Bruno $35.00
- GL Georgia Lanier $35.00
- RF Roger Fowler $35.00
- JU John Underwood $20.00
- EU Ed Underwood $20.00
- MV Mary Valentino $20.00
- NW Nolan Wilson $15.00
- RJ Ryan Jeickyms $10.00
- AO Anne Odera $10.00
- AC Abbey Craig $10.00
- RD Rich Downey $10.00
- VB Victor Barrozo $10.00
- RS Rebecca Sousa $10.00
- RD Robert Desousa $10.00
- DF David Flaschen $3.50
- EO Erin O'Connor $0.00
- ZV Zaimarie Vela Santana $0.00
- LH Lee Hughes $0.00
- ZS Zaida Santana $0.00
- KV Keila Valiente $0.00
- RF Raegan Fowler
- RF Roger Fowler III