Harold's Birthday Fundraiser for CMT Research

Help me raise funds to support research into treatments for CMT

Why I Fight for CMT

I was diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT) at the age of 41 when I started having a little trouble walking.  Although I was born with the condition, I was fortunate to not experience symptoms until middle age.  Since that time, I have also developed weakness in my hands and now walk better with the help of orthotic leg braces.  My symptoms will progress as I age.

What is CMT?

Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) is the most common peripheral neuropathy affecting the nerves and muscles primarily in one’s hands, arms, legs, and feet. It is a genetic nerve disease and onset can be at birth or later in life. CMT is a progressive condition that can lead to severe disability or occasionally death. Currently there are no effective treatments for CMT.

Nearly three million people of every age are living with CMT. This affects about 1 in every 2,500 people – the same prevalence as MS (multiple sclerosis) and 10 times the prevalence of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease).

The CMT Research Foundation

The CMT Research Foundation is the only organization focused solely on delivering treatments and cures for CMT and their goal is to find treatments within our lifetimes. They are funding the most promising research aimed exclusively toward drug delivery.

The timing for progress is ideal: there is increased public awareness of CMT; there are new incentives from the FDA to focus on rare, genetic diseases; progress in early discovery work for CMT is robust; and CMT can benefit from discoveries already made in other neuromuscular conditions.

CMT is not incurable, it is simply underfunded. We have to change that now. Research breakthroughs happen every day – let’s make them happen for CMT!

Help Me Take Action!

It's time to find treatments for this disease. That’s why I work to raise funds for CMT research so that my family, friends and others like me no longer have to be afflicted by this condition.

  1. Please help us get there by donating what you can. Just click on the Donate Now button to the right.  Thank you for your generosity.
  2. Please share this fundraising page on your social media platforms to help me spread awareness and raise more funds.
  3. Learn more about the CMT Research Foundation

CMT is not rare to me.

We will find a cure ?

Thank you!





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My Supporters

  • Anonymous Happy Birthday Harold! January 2022 $106.00
  • Anonymous January 2022
  • Nehama Rogozen Happy birthday Uncle Harold! January 2022
  • Mike Houston Happy Birthday Harold! Very happy to support you and this important cause. Be well! Mike January 2022 $53.00
  • Harold Rosenblume Thank you to our good friend, Yvonne Elliott! January 2022 $100.00
  • Anonymous Happy Birthday Harold! January 2022 $106.00
  • Anonymous January 2022 $106.00
  • Harold Rosenblume Thank you to our good friend, Yvonne Elliott! January 2022 $100.00
  • Anonymous January 2022 $100.00
  • Anonymous December 2021 $100.00