Lauren Fairchild's Personal Fundraising Page

Why I Fight for CMT


CMT is a degenerative nerve disease that I was diagnosed with before I was born. It affects my feet, legs, and hands and has been with me my whole life. Growing up was extremely hard with CMT because completing physical activities set me apart from my peers. I felt ashamed that I tripped and fell way more than my friends. I felt left out when my friends could run barefoot on the ground, and I just had to sit out. I always had to watch the ground when walking to ensure nothing in my path could cause me to fall because even the smallest item, like a twig, could injure me. 

Although these symptoms still affect me, and I still feel ashamed at times, I have learned how to embrace CMT and not feel so small when people notice it about me. 

CMT is a rare disease, but it is not rare to me. Every day, I experience the effects of CMT, and every day, I am reminded that it is far from anything uncommon. In the past few years, I have met more and more people who either have CMT or fight for the disease. I am inspired to help raise awareness and campaign to end CMT because it is more than just a disease to me. It is part of who I am. 

Help me fight against this disease. Help me raise awareness and find a cure. 





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My Supporters

  • UNSTOPPABLE Lauren Fairchild A day ago $755.00
  • Anonymous A day ago $1,500.00
  • The Gross Family Thank you for being a role model for this genetic disease and trying to make a difference! March 2024 $250.00
  • R. D. and Doris Lee March 2024 $100.00
  • Milly Wassum Lauren and Ann, I am happy to donate to your cause and hope that a cure will be found soon. March 2024 $100.00
  • Anonymous A day ago $1,500.00
  • UNSTOPPABLE Lauren Fairchild A day ago $755.00
  • Betty Ann Davis So proud of you Lauren and all that you do to raise awareness and fight for a cure to this disease. You will make a difference! March 2024 $500.00
  • Aimee Gallagher February 2024 $265.00
  • The Gross Family Thank you for being a role model for this genetic disease and trying to make a difference! March 2024 $250.00