Help me support children in our community!
You can be a HERO for children!
Together we can invest in the future of children and families in our community through the Children's Home Society of Florida (CHS) annual Heroes 5K.
Since 1902, CHS has served thousands of children and families by providing solutions that change life trajectories. These solutions address or prevent challenges that lead to child abuse and neglect, mental health issues, extended stays in foster care and homelessness. Our team works to build bridges to success for the children, teens and families we serve.
Every dollar counts and helps give local children and families access to critical life changing programs, including: mentoring, teen outreach, clinical counseling, early childhood education, and child abuse and neglect prevention and intervention services.
Join me and let's help more children realize their full potential.
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My Supporters
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My Teammates
Vincent D'Aria Team Captain $16,786.25
Jett Heukensfeld $1,220.00
- ZG Zachary Geaneotes $990.00
- RS Reid Starr $135.00
- DC Daryl Chelo $100.00
- SR Stephanie Ragusa $85.00
- HC Haelle Chomo $60.00
- JD John DAria $50.00
- DD Donna DAria $50.00
- NH Nate Harness $50.00
- MR Mike Ragusa $40.00
- MR Michael Ragusa $40.00
- AS antonio salvioli $35.00
- AG april griffis $35.00
- OB osleidys blanco $35.00
- KR kelsey riffle $35.00
- YP yudeisy paez $35.00
- MP michael paez $35.00
- HP henry paez $35.00
- DJ dulcinea jimenez $35.00
- MB milagro benitez $35.00
- HM heyleen montenegro $35.00
- DB diorio barnhart-harris $35.00
- CR charkeevia royal $35.00
- JC josselyne cruz $35.00
- NR Nicholas Ragusa $35.00
- DM danyale manuel $35.00
- RL rafael lisiaga $35.00
- MG maida gonzalez $35.00
- RS rosanna salvioli $35.00
- HD hugo diaz $35.00
- DD Dan DuBois $35.00
- KM Kathryn McMillan $35.00
- MP Mark Prendergast $35.00
- VM Valerie Maslow $35.00
- IK Ian Kingston $35.00
- MS monica salvioli $35.00
- AM Ann Mazzoli $26.25
- SG Stephen Gage $20.00
Kevin Pedro $20.00
- JB JL Britt
- WH Wayne Hickox
- CS Cole Sawyer
- MH Merle Hickox
- DD Derek DeFiglio $0.00
- MD Matthew DeFiglio
- JH Jeff Hickox
- GD Giselle DeFiglio
- DD Darlene Dale
- ER ebony rhodes
- ED Elia DeFiglio
- AD Anne DeFiglio
- MP Megan Ponsock
- HK Heidi Knight
- VD Vince DeFiglio
- KS Kelsey Stoker
- CP Claire Ponsock
- DW Derek Walker Jr. $0.00
- LG Lori Gephart
- MM Madalyn Maloney
- KE Kurt Eggers
- MH Michelle Hanna $0.00
- LS Lauren Schachter
- AM Andrew McMillan
- SR Scott Resendes
- EC Emily Crandall
- MM Maxim Manera
- LS Landon Shapiro $0.00
- KM Kimberley Meyer $0.00
- LL Laila Levasseur $0.00
- JB Jessica Britt
- MM Michelle Munoz
- AL Alison Levasseur
- ML Matthew Levasseur
- JD Josh Deeg $0.00
- HH Hank Henderson $0.00
- BM Bill Motherway
- N Natasha Boschetti $0.00
- RM Rachael McMillan $0.00
- JP Joseph Paru $0.00
- MN Matthew Nicoll
- JC Jennifer Chu $0.00
- JR Jennifer Roman-Giannuzzi
- CL Christopher Lawrence
- AE Alexa Elworthy $0.00
- XR Xavier Roman-Giannuzzi
- RM Ryan Meehan $0.00
- TC Timothy Christensen
- KO Kaylee OBrien
- XR Xavi Roman-Giannuzzi
- JM Jason Munoz
- CF Coleman Flaherty $0.00
- JR Jaxon Roman-Giannuzzi
- NR Nina Roman-Giannuzzi
- TA Taylor Avery
- SR Sanzid Rashid $0.00
- DC Debbie Coburn $0.00
- NS Nicole Santiagoq
- BD Bob Devin
- BN Brad Nella $0.00
- KM Kaleigh McKeon $0.00
- CC Cody Croteau
- RB Rebecca Brothers $0.00
- JS james Sullivan
- DS David Santiago
- JC Jeanna Cherry $0.00
- JD Jamie D'Aria $0.00
- JM Jonathan Magnuson
- KG Kathy Giannuzzi
- SH Shane Hoff
- CK Carah Kennedy
- JG Joseph Gephart Sr.
- CW Chris Wickel $0.00
- NN Noah Nardone
- GZ Gabe Zelaya
- CJ Craig Johnson $0.00
- LM Lucia Mazzoli
- RA Robert Allen
- OE oscar estrada
- ED Esteban Dobles
- AP Abbie Pickering $0.00
- AA Anna Armstrong $0.00
- BD Becky Dobles
- AS Andrew Sheflin $0.00
- JM Jack Mackay
- NM Natalie Madden $0.00
- AM Adam Murray $0.00
- KM Kelly McNeil
- WH William Hutras $0.00
- MT Melano Theork $0.00
- JZ Jess Zelaya
- TD Thomas Dubicki
- BM Brittany Meehan $0.00
- DB Dee Blake
- SC Sean Cass
- BM Bridget McCallum $0.00
- CH Connor Holland
- WD Wesley De La Rosa $0.00
- DS Daniel Senteno
- NK nikitas klimis $0.00
- MM Mikayla McSweeney
- JK Jenn Korona $0.00
- ER Ethan Raad
- MW Maggie Wilson
- NT Nancy Thang
- BR Bobbi Ridge $0.00
- CA Cory Ayres $0.00
- EM Eric Mulford
- KS Katie Sheridan
- MP Melo Pham $0.00
- MH Michelle Hanna $0.00
- SS Samantha Shea
- FC Fabio Colafrancesco $0.00
- CB Colton Boesch $0.00
- JB Julie Barnett
- HK Hunter Kay $0.00
- TP Terissa Pettus $0.00
- AH Aaron Hamlin
- YH Yasmin Henderson $0.00
- YB yvette brunet
- KR Kirstin Ridge $0.00
- KA Katherine Anderson $0.00
- AC AJ Clements
- RC Raymundo Chen Luo
- ND Nicole Detar
- CJ Calvin Jiang $0.00
- AF Anthony Freni $0.00
- JM Jessica Mcnally $0.00
- SC Steve Carlson
- EV Eddy Vanegas
- AL Alvin Lam $0.00
- KK Karolina Kania $0.00
- AM Anas Massaadi $0.00
- DP Drew Paschal
- KS Kay Schultz
- JK Josh Kandalaft $0.00
- TB Tyler Brookman
- JD Julie Delconte $0.00
- EP Eric Pritchard
- NZ Nicholas Zantos $0.00
- LG Liv Goldberger
- JS Jess Shapiro
- SK Samantha Kielwein
- PB Pat Burke $0.00
- SG Sean Gearin
- SB Steve Bastien
- ST Shane Taylor $0.00
- JL Josh Langille
- CP Christina Paradiso
- BA Bennett Allen
- AP Allie Ponsock
- AA Austin Allen
- CN Camille Norton $0.00
- CP Chase Ponsock
- DP Dani Paradiso
- MS Melissa Staples $0.00
- MP Molly Ponsock
- MH Mike Howlett
- DH Don Hickox
- LH Lyn Hickox
- PB Pheobe Britt
- RB Roger Bastien
- MD Mike Dusseault
- MF Meg Franck
- CB Charlotte Bastien
- FT Frank Theodat
- JG Jessica Grueter $0.00
- LP Laken Ponsock
- DD Dominik Dusseault
- LH Lilly Hickox
- JZ Justin Zucchini $0.00
- MD Matt Dunn $0.00
- DP Dede Pickle
- SP Steve Pickle
- GZ Gaby Zucchini
- BP Bailey Pickle
- MC McKenzie Cherry $0.00
- JP Jack Pickle
- BZ Bella Zucchini
- BS Becca Scott
- BZ Briella Zucchini
- SS Stephen Scott
- MM Meredith Morris $0.00
- LS Landon Scott
- CS Cam Scott
- WB William Britt
- TB Tracy Britt
- CC Christopher Cherry
- LB Lee Britt
- CB Connie Britt
- CS Courtney Sutton
- LS Lincoln Sutton
- KA Keith Arthur
- PB Phil Britt
- JB Jillian Britt
- DB Dana Burkholder
- FB Finley Burkholder
- DM Dana M Marchant
- JB Jarred Burkholder
- WB Wilson Burkholder
- SH Stephen Hunter $0.00
- LB Landon Britt
- LB Laura Betty Britt
- BD Bob Dale
- LG Luis Gomez $0.00
- SD Steve Dale
- BD Brenda Dale
- BH Brittany Harness $0.00
- JG Jessica Gonzalez
- KD Kelly Dale
- BD Bryan DePasquale $0.00
- CD Crystal Dale
- KD Kevin Dale
- HL Hector Leon $0.00
- DR Dan Ryaboy $0.00
- MD Mike Dale
- GT Georgiana Thompson $0.00
- KD Kim Dale
- MJ Michaela James
- DJ Dyer James
- OJ Olive James
- CD Christopher Dale
- RD Rachel Dale
- GK Gayle Kielwein
- MD Mark Dale
- SD Sarah Dale
- EC Emily Cassell
- SG Seth Goldberger
- ZD Zara Dale
- AD Ahlora Dale
- KH Kaycee Harness
- SD Soelei Dale
- MP Michelle Paradiso
- LB Lindsey Britt
- MP Max Ponsock
- RC Rob Cusanelli $0.00
- AO Alana O'Dwyer $0.00